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Dec 27, 2021
the autofiction of eleanor estes
As the world continues to feel the impact of covid, and we reach the two-year marker of this cataclysm, I keep returning to trusted...

Aug 28, 2021
college tours, college histories
Among the many other things going on this year, this summer has been a whirlwind of college tours. My daughter will be a senior in high...

Jul 31, 2021
my mom, two poets, and a tree
Last weekend we gathered at my Mom’s gravesite for a private, informal memorial. Our group consisted of my family, my sister’s family,...

Jun 30, 2021
my mom, the archivist
I recently started a new job, and now every day as I head to work, I drive by the house on W. Washington Ave. where many years ago my Mom...

May 31, 2021
some things I didn't know about aphra behn
This spring I have spent a lot of time on the Huntington Library website as a way to distract myself from the continued cataclysm we are...

Apr 17, 2021
the darling buds of april: the 2021 shakespeare season
Two years ago this month I was poring over the American Players Theatre (APT) schedule for the 2019 season. APT is the professional...

Mar 27, 2021
professional development from home: zooming the virtual conference circuit
The academic library and information world, and its orbit of disciplines that I follow and/or work in—digital libraries, book history,...

Feb 27, 2021
the incredible, wonderful, ingenious world of artists’ books
Late last year, amid all the wretchedness of pandemic and politics, I was searching for some kind of creative release in the new year. I...

Jan 28, 2021
epic adventure: my 2021 reading itinerary
One year when my husband and I were first married and living in Boston, we discovered a huge warehouse of books called the New England...

Dec 24, 2020
a 2020 christmas carol
One hundred and seventy-seven years ago this month, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol was published in London. According to Wikipedia,...

Dec 19, 2020
the citizen petition project: digitizing early settler's voices, 1836-1891: part two
In part one of my blog posts on the citizen petition project I talk about the structure of the project itself: establishing the metadata...

Dec 11, 2020
the citizen petition project: digitizing early settler's voices, 1836-1891: part one
The Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS), located in Madison, WI, among many other estimable and considerable roles, serves as the official...

Nov 15, 2020
hysterical conjugating, or how to learn French during a pandemic
French was the first foreign language I studied. I really liked my French teacher in high school, Mr. Shafranski; he hadn’t actually been...

Nov 1, 2020
why I go to book festivals, and a case for the hybrid book fair
It’s 2:47 p.m. on Wednesday, October 28th, and I’m on the International Literature Festival Dublin website, waiting for the closing talk...

Oct 23, 2020
a curiouser librarian goes down the rabbit hole
Thank you for joining me! I've styled my blog with Alice in Wonderland in mind, so let me tell you about that in this first post. When I...
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